Initiatives and Services for People with disabilities

​​​​​​​​The Ministry of Commerce pays great attention and care to the disabled people, who use MC services. This is to overcome all the difficulties they may face and to enable them to play a vital role in the development of their society and building their homeland to the fullest.

Within the initiative of "Priority for Them", the Ministry has provided all the facilities and services in various regions of the Kingdom and MC Business Centers, to serve and meet the needs of this dear group of people. Therefore, special parking areas ​have been provided for the disabled people, besides equipped reception rooms, also corridors with rubber floors for the blind, in addition to other facilities to ensure their satisfaction and convenience.​

The Ministry of Commerce has subjected the frontline employees to intensive training to serve all groups of society, including the disabled ones.

People with disabilities​ can open the Commercial Registrations, request the registration of the trademarks, booking trade names​, and registering the commercial agencies​.

This comes within the Ministry's belief in the importance of this group and its great role in society. MC takes care of this group of people, and endeavors to raise the level of their psychological and social satisfaction, taking into account that they are important and influential groups in society. The Ministry also works to overcome all difficulties that may face them in their way towards success and distinction to serve this dear country.



Last Modified 16 Feb 2021
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