who we are

​​The Ministry of Commerce seeks to play a pivotal role in the growth and sustainability of the Kingdom's commercial sector and to keep up with the ever-evolving changes and developments in trade globally. The Ministry aims to strengthen the Kingdom's economic position as a preferred hub for trade in the Middle East and around the world.  Providing a comprehensive and integrated road map to fulfill its ambitious objective of leading the Saudi trading sector in a fair and stimulating environment.

The Ministry's message centers around the crucial role it has been playing in enhancing the business climate in the Kingdom through the adoption, development, and oversight of flexible and fair commercial laws regulations, and policies, as well as the strengthening of strategic alliances with various relevant local and international authorities in order to strengthen the bonds of trust between the seller and the customer. By adhering to an integrated system of established values that place an emphasis on justice, respect for rights, creativity, teamwork, speed of response, and a constant effort to provide value-added services that exceed the expectations of all categories of customers, it helps to maximize the contribution of the commercial sector to the support and sustainability of the national economy.​​

Our vision​

To achieve a pioneering position for ​ commerce  sector in Saudi​ Arabia within a fair and stimulating environment

Our mission

To enhance the potentials of  commerce ​ sectors and protect the beneficiaries' interests, by developing and implementing effective and efficient policies and mechanisms, which will contribute to achieving sustainable economic development.

Our values​
  • Respect Rights
  • Rapid Response 
  • Teamwork
  • Initiative
  • Creativity


1. To be actively involved in developing and implementing commercial policies that enhance the sector's efficiency and effectiveness, foster competition among entities, and promote diversification of the production base; strengthen the private sector's contributory role in the national economy.

2. Propose new draft commercial regulations and laws, review existing applicable regulations and policies, as well as ensuring that various commercial regulations are properly implemented and enforced.

3. Regulate and promote domestic trade, oversee and safeguard domestic markets from exploitation and monopolies, and ensure fair pricing for all; continuously review and develop new commercial practices, methods, and procedures in alignment with the public interest.                                

4. Issue necessary licenses for commercial chambers and supervise their activities and budgets, manage elections for their boards, and approve their participation in relevant exhibitions and conferences​, and promote all activities that contribute to the growth and progress of commerce in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Chamber Law.

5. Ensuring that there are enough essential and necessary goods in the local markets and maintaining the stability of supplies through working together and coordinating with both government agencies and the private sector; monitoring markets across the Kingdom and taking action against any unfair practices that might affect the availability of goods and their reasonable prices.                          

6. Studying applications for company formation, including the establishment of branches, both domestic and foreign, or their liquidation, and ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Companies Law by completing the necessary procedures for formation, modification, and liquidation. Additionally, addressing any violations related to the provisions of the Companies Law.

7. Registering commercial entities by issuing commercial records and conducting subsequent monitoring and oversight.

8. Study applications and contracts for commercial agencies, complete the registration procedures for various types of agencies and any modifications to them, issue necessary registration certificates, monitor the operations of commercial agencies, regulate violations, and enforce the regulations.

9.Monitoring the compliance of business entities and electronic stores​  with the Ministry's consumer protection laws and regulations. This includes cracking down on violations across different cities in the Kingdom in conjunction with relevant authorities, and enforcing penalties according to judicial rulings or decisions.

10- Registering, categorizing, and publishing information related to business activities and services, and issuing reports accordingly. Providing this information to relevant entities and raising awareness among traders and consumers.

11- Assessing the saudization requirements for activities falling under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Commerce, and supervising the issuance of regulatory decisions and any subsequent amendments.

12- Granting licenses for various liberal professions.

13- Registering trade names and conducting subsequent monitoring and oversight.​


  • ​Increase and bolster users’ trust 
  • Improve and upgrade the business environment  
  • Ensure a sustainable strategic inventory of essential commodities 
  • Improve optimization of resources by the Ministry 
  • Upgrade the quality of the Ministry’s services provided to users in line with institutional excellence benchmarks 
  • Upgrade the retail sector and promote good business practices 
  • Enable and encourage an e-commerce environment Kingdom-wide 
  • Enable the highest digital maturity and preparedness levels within the Ministry 
  • Create an internal environment conducive to stimulation and creativity​

Last Modified 18 Jun 2023
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