"Share us the decision" platform

​​Based on the Ministry of Commerce desire to spread the Principle of Community Partnership and to raise the level of quality, it has launched “Share with us the Decision E-Platform”, so that the Ministry’s customers can have a chance to participate in decision-making within a pioneering​ free society, aiming as well to motivate the innovators and thinkers to share their ideas and future aspirations by proposing new ideas, voting and commenting on existing ones.

How to Share:

  1. ​​​Login to the E-Platform.
  2. Add an idea by clicking the button “ADD IDEA”.
  3. Review, discuss and vote on other ideas.
  4. The most popular ideas come up first.

The Stages of Online Participation for Decision-Making Process through the E-Platform.

  1. The Ministry of Commerce officials will collect and classify the posts according to those that have got the most participating and voting points.
  2. After analyzing the posts, MC officials will study and transfer them to the Decision-Making Centers, according to the subject and competence of the posts.
  3. MC officials in the Decision-Making Centers shall study the ideas of the participants, then they will decide how far these ideas are useful and the possibility of their application.
  4. Then MC officials will announce their reply and the decision taken in that regard through MC E-Portal, or via other appropriate media.
  5. After announcing the final decision, the subject of the discussion will be officially closed, and all relevant documents to be archived.

Last Modified 26 Jun 2022
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