Newsletter service Page ContentNewsletter serviceAddressAgency for Development and PlanningThe publisherAn online consultation launched to improve newsletter qualitySubjectAn electronic consultation launched to improve access to all press news and alerts about new online services and email updates to subscribers to the newsletterIntroductionOne of the most important suggestions is that one e-mail arrives every last day that collects all press news and alerts about electronic services and updatesA suggestion(Finished)Case(01 - July - 2021) to (31 - December - 2021)Date of opening and closing the consultationExcellent 60% (19696)Good 7% (1736)Acceptable 6% (1261)Bad 27% (5797)One of the most important suggestions is that one e-mail should be sent to the subscribers of the newsletter, which collects all the press news and alertsConsultation summaryThe proposal submitted has been worked on, and the newsletter alerts now reach subscribers to the newsletter once a day that collects all the added press news and alerts for new e-services additions.Consultation resultsClick here to access the registration page and view the modifications regarding the serviceDocumentsFor more information You can call: 920000667From Sunday to Thursday from 8 am to 4 pmEmail: Add the name of the organization. Name of the consultation. Status Open / Current Future / Planned Finished / Closed / Archived Start date xx.xx.xxxx xx.xx.xxxx xx.xx.xxxx Closing date xx.xx.xxxx xx.xx.xxxx xx.xx.xxxx Attachments Attach all relavent documents For Finished / Closed / Archived consultations, mandatory attach a Summary Report explaining the process, the number of comments received on the government's final decision, and how the citizens’ voice was included in the final decision. For Future / Open Consultations allow users to subscribe and receive a notification when the consultation will be open for the public. Type of the Consultation General Target audience / Main stakeholders List all keywords (tags) associated with the consultation (minimum 5). Focus on the target audience (e.g., Citizens, Residents, Business, Youth, Women,Elderly, Immigrants, People with disabilities, etc.) Topic List all keywords (tags) associated with the consultation (minimum 3).Focus on the topic, subject (e.g., employment, budget,procurements, security,health, etc.) Contact us Last Modified 19 Jul 2022 Rate Share MC