Provide the necessary services to the Ministry's branches in various regions of the Kingdom, so that branches can do their work easily and efficiently, through coordination with other Deputy Ministries and departments, thus ensuring the achievement of the branches of their objectives and perform their work efficiently.
- Prepare the annual plan of the Administration, and implement that after getting the approval.
- Support and assist the Ministry's branches in various regions.
- Work to achieve the requests of branch managers in the regions, and facilitate the performance of their functions in coordination with the relevant Deputy Ministries and departments.
- Follow-up the proposed mechanisms of implementation and operation of the Rules & Regulations that enable the branches to carry out their work and functions, related to consumer protection and business.
- Follow up the complaints received from the branches, make the necessary study and analysis, cooperate with the relevant authorities in the Ministry to develop solutions, and report that to the Undersecretary for Customer and Branch Service.
- Receive and respond to inquiries received from branches.
- Do continuous development to the channels of providing service and communication between the Ministry Office and branches.
- Coordinating with the Ministry's departments regarding the provisions of the branches' needs and requirements.