The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has confiscated 5,000 engine oil cans non-conforming to Saudi specifications and track the suppliers

28 Oct 2013
The quantities were destroyed in Al Baha  after the results of the samples had been shown up by the laboratories

MCI had Confiscated from a number of spare parts shops and changing engine oil workshops in Al Baha 5000 oil cans not conforming to Saudi standards and specifications  , besides many of these oil cans lack the commercial data which is considered misleading to the consumers , who may be harmed by using such oil. These items were destroyed immediately by MCI .

MCI  is currently working on tracing th​e main suppliers of oil non-conforming to Saudi specification under the purchase invoices and to be summoned to the ministry's headquarters for investigation, and to identify the producers . 

MCI has examined a number of  confiscated oil samples at its labs to make sure of the quality and safety of using such oil, where the results showed non-compliance with the Saudi specifications. This resulted in confiscating and destroying the above mentioned quantities for the protection of consumers .

This came as a result of the intensive inspection tours undertaken by the control teams on the district's markets, and to respond to the consumer`s complaints, and to face all suspicious practices in the trading   shops . 

The Ministry of Commerce stresses that it will not tolerate with those who provide goods non-conforming to Saudi standards and specifications , or counterfeit goods , or those who try to  manipulate with the consumer's health and safety , or those who do not comply with the goods warranty , and it will apply the right legal penalties.

MCI would emphasize that it will continue the inspection tours on markets , food warehouses, shops, factories and all commercial establishments, to ensure their regular work, and that fraud or manipulation is not existing.

 MCI calls all consumers to report their complaints and observations to the Reports center at MCI on the phone No.(800 124 1616).
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018