MCI consumer call center received more than 34.000 calls during the first half of Ramadan

28 Jun 2016
The Ministry of Commerce and investment announced that the consumer call center received more than 34.000 calls during the first 15 days of Ramadan in the year 1437. The calls received on the integrated number 1900 were complaints, violation reports, and inquiries.

The MCI is working effortlessly to process all the calls and act accordingly in sufficient time. Ensuring the tendency to double the efforts to provide an organized trading environment and to safeguard the consumers’ rights as well as protect them from any harmful practices.

The call center statistics shows the total of 34.039 calls with these details: 16.189 commercial violation report calls, 8470 inquiry calls, 4687 violations re-reporting calls,3550 violation report follow up calls and redirecting 1143 report calls to other specialized divisions and organizations.

The average of single call duration was about (2:30) two minutes and thirty seconds. While the average of call waiting duration was 36 seconds. The statistics also reveal that the majority calls were about business fraud and food supplies. Coming next in order the complaint calls of unavailability of spare parts and maintenance, guarantee conditions non-maintaining implementation, contractual disputes, replacement and exchange complaints, differentness of shelf price from the invoice, over-pricing and untrue commercial post.

The consumer call center is automatically and electronically process all the calls and act accordingly until the closure notice received from the field supervisors. All that efforts will assist in boosting calls processing and work achievement.

MCI ensure its continuous supervising, raising awareness and developing efforts that fall in the consumer’s and the business person’s interests as well, and aims to stop commercial violations and organize the local market to safeguard all parties’ rights.   
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018