MCI Inspection Teams seized more than a Million Monopolistic Stored Masks in Hail, and distributed them in the Markets

28 Mar 2020


During the field inspection tours, MCI inspectors seized (1,168,000) stored masks in Hail, as a kind of monopolization, aiming at marketing them later outside Hail Region, through an expatriate who works for his own account as an intermediary.

Accordingly, the quantities were seized, and distributed into the markets in Hail Region, and legal measures were taken against the violators.

The Ministry of Commerce warns all violating importers who store large monopolistic quantities, aiming at selling them later, against these practices and calls on them to distribute such quantities into the market, according to the relevant coordination with the Food and Drug Authority.

The Ministry of Commerce also calls on all consumers to report and lodge their complaints against the violating establishments and outlets through MCI Consumer Call Center (1900), or through the application of a Commercial Violation Report, or via the Ministry's official website.

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Last Modified 29 Mar 2020