The Growth of Commercial Registrations for E-Commerce has Reached 64% during 2018, Compared to 2017, as Announced by MCI

23 May 2019


The Commercial Registrations for e-commerce activity has increased by 64% during 2018, where the number of C.R. issued reaching (3192), compared with (1940) C.R. in 2017. The total number of the current C.R. for e-commerce activity is (9148).

Riyadh has topped the list of the most active areas in the issuance of C.R. for e-commerce activity during 2018, by (1433) C.R., followed by Makkah with (817) C.R., then the Eastern Region by (471) C.R..

MCI has explained that this growth comes in line with the reforms and improvements witnessed by the business sector during the last period, and this is due to facilitating the procedures for starting up a commercial activity. This is done through cooperation with a number of relevant authorities, and through linking with a number of government agencies. So it is possible now to issue the Commercial Registration and the file of labor and social insurance, also zakat, income and municipal license through a single e-platform (Meras). This service also enables the beneficiaries to issue the certificate of the Chamber of Commerce subscription online, besides amending or renewing the Commercial Registration through using the security verification of the Ministry of Interior and the service of "Absher".

"Meras" e-services are linked with 22 government agencies that have relation with the start-up of business, thus "Meras" provides currently more than 112 e-services, besides the licenses to start-up business.

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Last Modified 23 May 2019