The Ministry of Commerce, Asir Branch Carried out 355 Inspection Rounds to Verify the Availability of Goods and Food Stocks, 445 Complaints Received and Necessary Action Taken

21 Mar 2020


On Friday, the inspection teams of the Ministry of Commerce, Asir branch responded to 445 reports and complaints about price exaggeration in the region. Consequently, necessary action was taken and legal penalties were imposed on the violators. Meanwhile, the Ministry’s inspectors carried out 355 inspection rounds, including Asir Region and the affiliate provinces.

The Ministry's inspection tours targeted the food stores and warehouses, as well as the outlets selling commodities, foodstuffs, consumables, meat, vegetable and bakeries, also the fuel stations.

The Ministry’s inspectors confirmed the availability of the necessary food supplies and commodities, assuring as well that there is sufficient food stock to meet the market need, besides price stability.

The Ministry of Commerce calls on all the consumers to report and lodge their complaints against the violating establishments and outlets through the Ministry’s Consumer Call Center (1900), or through the application of a Commercial Violation Report, or via the Ministry's official website.


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Last Modified 22 Mar 2020