The Minister Thanks Citizen Al-Shaie on MCI-Adopted Suggest of Arabicization of Vouchers

21 Jan 2013

​Minister of Commerce and Industry Dr. TAWFIG FAWZAN ALRABIAH thanked citizen Ibrahim bin Abdulkarim Al-Shaie, a media man and a journal-writer for his good forwarded suggestions, among which MCI adopted one relating to Arabicization of vouchers, in order to serve consumers, following a carefully done consideration.

Related bodies, has been instructed to carry it out, published in local papers, on order to provide consumers with excellent service, as serving them is MCI priority.

Moreover, the Minister called on all MCI employees, citizens as well as residents, to put forward their suggestions on: www. in order to keep on improving serving them, to the best.


For the other hand, MCI has launched, recently, Share Us in Decision-Making, to enable followers to suggest, discuss and poll, at ease at this link:, in addition to other social networking websites:

Last Modified 26 Dec 2018