The Ministry of Commerce Announces the Start of Eid Al-Adha Seasonal Discounts

19 Jul 2020

The Ministry of Commerce announces the start of registration for Eid al-Adha Seasonal Discounts, deadline 13.12.1441 AH, corresponding to 02.08.2020 AD. Therefore, the owners of e-stores and commercial establishments can submit their applications for the issuance of the seasonal discount licenses online. Notably, this service would enable the traders of using their own balance in the E-Discount System.

The Ministry of Commerce calls on the owners of e-stores and commercial establishments in the Kingdom to apply for getting Eid Al Adha Seasonal Discount Licenses, and to avail of this service by accessing the following link:, then choosing the type of license, and completing the rest of the procedures through MC e-portal.

This service also enables the beneficiaries of paying the license fees online through the E-Payment System (SADAD), and then printing the license.
It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Commerce had already launched the E-Discount System in cooperation with Thiqah Business Services Company, to enable the owners of commercial establishments and e-stores in the Kingdom to submit their applications for the Seasonal Discount Licenses online, which were previously published in the list of seasons for the year 2020.

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Last Modified 23 Jul 2020