The Ministry of Commerce has defamed an Est. specialized in the trade of clothes and luxuries in Hail Governorate after a court ruling was issued convicting the Est. and its representatives for violating the Anti-Commercial Fraud Laws and the Commercial Data System by selling Slime none-conforming to standard specifications, and does not bear any commercial data. This would pose risk on the safety of children.
The Ministry has published a summary of the judicial ruling issued by the Criminal Court in Hail, which includes a fine, and publishing the ruling in a local newspaper at the expense of the violators.
The Ministry of Commerce affirms the continuation of addressing those violating the Anti-Commercial Fraud Law, and taking the necessary legal measures against them, since such act is considered a kind of fraud and deception towards the consumers. Notably, the regulations provide for penalties of up to three-year imprisonment, a fine of up to one million riyals or both, and defaming the violators at their expense, besides deporting the expat from the Kingdom, and not to be allowed to return for work.
The Ministry of Commerce urges all consumers to lodge their complaints and reports about any violation through MC Consumer Call Center (1900), or through the application of a Commercial Violation Report, or via the Ministry’s official website.