General Authority for Foreign Trade Calls on those Interested and the Public to Express their Opinions on the Proposal of Trade Treatment System relevant to World Trade

17 Sep 2019


Based on the principle of participation and transparency, the General Authority for Foreign Trade calls on those interested and the public to express their opinions and suggestions on the proposal of Trade Treatment System relevant to World Trade, through the following e-mail (, deadline 20/03/1441 AH 17/11/2019.

The General Authority for Foreign Trade points out that this draft law aims at protecting the local industry from dumped and subsidized imports, also preventing the increase in imports, besides defending the Kingdom's exports which are subjected to Commercial Treatment Investigations.

The General Authority for Foreign Trade calls on those interested and the public to participate and express their views on the draft law, using the form designated for this purpose.

To view the proposal of Trade Treatment System relevant to the World Trade, please click here.

To download the feedback form, please click here​.

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Last Modified 18 Sep 2019