The Semi-annual Celebration is Held by the Secretariat of the Real Estate Shareholding Commission of MCI

16 Jul 2014

The Secretariat of the Real Estate Shareholding Commission has held its semi-annual meeting for its employees during the event of Ramadan at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel in the Diplomatic Quarter, attended by the members and advisers of the Commission and the department managers and employees. The ceremony included a review of the most prominent achievements of the Commission during the first half of 2014, and the objectives and plans of the Commission for the second half of the same year. The members participating in the meeting render their thanks and appreciation for the efforts made by the staff of the Commission Secretariat in all departments until the said Commission has achieved most of the goals approved by H.E. the Minister of Commerce and Industry and Chairman of the Commission, Dr. TAWFIG FAWZAN ALRABIAH. 

At the end of the meeting, the awards for the Contest of Ramadan Event were handed over and honoring a number of the distinct staff during the last half year, then all the attendants got Sahoor meal.

Last Modified 26 Dec 2018