MCI inspection teams have detected a traditional house in Buraidah, Qassim, exploited by illegal labors for storing used clothes, collected illegally from the charity containers in the streets, then they used to make business by selling such items.
Necessary investigation and monitoring of the violating site have been carried out by MCI inspectors. A group of illegal expats used to come to the site, and trucks stopped there loading the used clothes and proceeding outside the city.
MCI inspection and control teams, with the support of the security forces, seized more than 50,000 pieces of clothing, stored inside the house randomly, besides arresting 12 illegal labors, who were handed over to the security authorities for taking the necessary measures against them.
MCI will not hesitate to take stern measures and impose the legal penalties on all violators. All consumers all kindly requested to lodge their complaints and report any violations through MCI Consumer Call Center (1900) or through the application of a Commercial Violation Report, or via the Ministry's website.