MCI, 160 Thousand Broad Bean Cans, Counterfeited for Famous Brand, had been Seized in Jeddah

05 Jan 2016
MCI, 160 Thousand Broad Bean Cans, Counterfeited for Famous Brand, had been Seized in Jeddah
MCI Inspection Teams had seized 160 thousand fake broad bean cans, counterfeited for famous brand, in a warehouse south of Jeddah Province.

These quantities were stored in the warehouse and counterfeited trademarks were prepared to be placed on the cans, and then to be distributed in the local markets and shops, thus deceiving and misleading the consumers. The warehouse was shut down by MCI inspectors and those responsible were summoned for investigation and taking the legal procedures against them.
It is worth mentioning that MCI inspectors had earlier shut down a warehouse in Makkah, after seizing more than 13 thousand broad bean cans, counterfeited for famous brand. Illegal labors were involved in forging and printing the trademarks. Those involved were summoned by MCI for taking the necessary legal measures against them, in cooperation and coordination with the competent authorities.
This comes within the inspection rounds, implemented by MCI in various regions of the Kingdom, which led to the seizure and confiscation of large quantities of counterfeit and adulterated foodstuffs and consuming commodities, which were re-packaged and stored in order to cheat and deceive the consumers.

MCI would like to emphasize that it will continue its inspection and control rounds on all warehouses and commercial institutions, to verify their regular works, and to ensure the absence of fraud and manipulation practices on consumers, and to stop exploiting the demand for purchase in selling and marketing any counterfeit or adulterated goods.

MCI would like all consumers to cooperate and report their complaints and observations through the toll free number 1900, or through the application of a Commercial Notification.
Last Modified 25 Dec 2018