MCI Participates in the Field Tours to Implement the Government Decision on Gold & Jewelry Job Nationalization

03 Dec 2017
MCI Calls on the Public to report any case related to Commercial Concealment
The Ministry of Commerce and Investment is participating in the field tours on shopping and commercial centers for the implementation of the government decision, related to the nationalization of gold and jewelry jobs, which comes into force in different regions of the Kingdom today.

The government decision comes to activate the Job Nationalization Program, which is being followed up by the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, Principalities, with the participation of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce and Investment, Public Security and the General Directorate of Passports.

MCI has announced its support for the Job Nationalization Program, aiming at providing the citizens with employment opportunities. MCI points out that the concerned inspection teams together with the competent authorities will participate in the field tours, to verify the implementation of the said decision and to control any violations in that regard.

MCI calls on all citizens and residents to render all cooperation, and to report any violation or commercial cover-up in the gold and jewelry sector, indicating that any violation would impede the process of job nationalization and miss real opportunities for Saudi youth.

MCI pointes out that it has been working and endeavoring to combat the commercial concealment in various trade sectors, through the development of regulations and legislation, as well as through intensifying supervision, control and raising awareness. In addition to activating the role of citizen and resident and urging them to report and inform about any violations, as the Anti-Commercial Concealment Law gives the informer, about such cases, 30% of the collected fines after the final judgment, if he has already provided a real and true evidence to initiate the investigation.

MCI has stressed the citizen's role in combating the commercial concealment by abstaining from such illegal activity, and not cooperating with the concealers, and by reporting and informing MCI Consumer Call Center (1900) about any violation, or through the application of a Commercial Violation Report or through the Ministry's website.

The Ministry added that the efforts to combat the commercial concealment, during the past year, had contributed to the increase of the number of cases referred to the Public Prosecution in 1438H by 871​ cases, compared to (450) cases in 1437H, while the total inspection tours carried out by MCI inspectors increased from (10503) In 1437 AH to (14701) in 1438 AH. Meanwhile, the number of cases referred to other governmental bodies increased from (76) in 1437H to (309) in 1438H.

Last Modified 25 Dec 2018