MCI plus Vision Realization Office Reviews with Al-Faisal University Vision Club the Objectives and Initiatives of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030

01 Aug 2017
MCI plus Vision Realization Office met at the Ministry's headquarters this morning the members of Al-Faisal University Vision Club. During the meeting, the attendants were briefed   about the club and its future plans, as well as the role and the initiatives of MCI plus related to the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, also means of realization such vision.
This meeting comes within the framework of cooperation between MCI plus and various institutions in order to raise the level of awareness among young people and to highlight the future opportunities of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. MCI believes in the importance of the educational role of the Saudi youth, also to create business opportunities for them and to give them a chance to participate effectively in realizing the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.
It is worth mentioning that MCI plus Vision Realization Office is concerned and interested in realizing all MCI issues related to the initiatives of the National Transformation Program 2020 and the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. For that goal, MCI is exerting all efforts and raising the level of coordination within MCI plus in order to achieve the promised objectives. In this regard, the said office organized several workshops and meetings for MCI Staff, In addition to meetings held almost daily, besides taking advantage of the best global practices and experiences, as well as holding meetings with experts in this field

Last Modified 25 Dec 2018