MCI Launches the Service for Obtaining the Industrial License Fully Electronically and without Paper

01 May 2014
​Issuance of the Initial Industrial License within one Working Day Instead of 3 Days
MCI has started issuing the initial industrial licenses through its e-services without a printed paper certificate, depending on the technology to ensure the reliability and to facilitate the necessary procedures, so that the beneficiary can print his license directly from his personal computer, or display the license information to anyone via the mobile phone, while the new mechanism allows any party to verify the licensing information through the " QR Code” Quick Response.
MCI has provided as well a Website to verify the license information for the Industrial Licensing Authority (, also it provided to those related the mechanism of a direct connection through the systems to obtain the data on the industrial license automatically, and MCI has actually begun to link with many beneficiaries for the transfer of the register information without paper.
Therefore, the issuance of the initial industrial license can be obtained within one working day instead of three days. This comes as a continuation of the development carried out by the Ministry earlier in this regard, which contains reducing the  issuance of the industrial license period from 15 days to 3 days, but now it is acquired within one working day only.
It is worth mentioning that the MCI had launched the service of Trademark Registration Electronically at the end of last year, and relied on an entire electronic mechanism for the  issuance of the Trademarks Certification and to make verification and printing when needed.
MCI also plans to cancel the printed Commercial Registration Certificate and to rely on the modern electronic mechanism in the near future.
Last Modified 25 Dec 2018
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