The commerce ecosystem has implemented a variety of initiatives and programs to bolster women's roles in society and improve their engagement in various facets of the economy in order to increase their contribution to economic and development activities and boost sustainable development. As a result, the Kingdom is one step closer to achieving its Vision 2030 goal of boosting women's engagement in the national economy. The following are the most important of these activities:
- Enabling women to start and run businesses without the need for prior consent now that the requirement of guardian's consent was removed; also assuring equitable procedures and treatment for men and women.
- Women can apply for business registers, trademark registration, book a business name, pursue liberal professions and register trade agencies. All activities that men are permitted to engage in are equally permitted to women.
- Make it easier for women entrepreneurs and owners of small and medium-sized enterprises to secure government funding as women account for 40% of all entrepreneurs in the Kingdom. Gender discrimination in the provision of financial services or loans is prohibited.
- According to the World Bank Group's report "Women, Business and the Law 2020," the Kingdom ranked first in the Gulf region and second in the Arab region. The Kingdom's progress in 2021 was the same as the previous year, reflecting the powerful impact of the new laws and regulations protecting women.