MCI stopped 11,000 kg of corrupted foodstuffs from reaching the markets of Mecca

19 Nov 2013
MCI Prevented more than 11,000 kg of corrupted foodstuffs, unfit for the human consumption to reach the consumers, these items were confiscated from a number of markets and shops in Mecca and they had been destroyed, some samples of other goods were sent to the laboratories to ensure safety, the violators were summoned for  investigation and taking legal procedures against them. 

This came​ up during a comprehensive campaign by the MCI inspection teams on a number of commercial shops  to make sure of the health and safety of food and consuming goods offered for sale, and to protect  the consumers from any harm .

The seizures which had been destroyed included large quantities of corrupted cheese(8700 kg) that had been found in a number of refrigerators in the shops of Al Kaakiya area,  in addition to more than 1120 kg of olives and frozen items  and 1,200 kg of expired olive oil, at the same  time the results for other goods  samples  proved not valid  .

MCI confirms that it will continue its inspection rounds on markets ,food  warehouses and  shops  to ensure their regular work, and the absence of fraud practices on consumers, and there is no exploitation in selling or  marketing  corrupted or expired products. . 

MCI stressed that it would not tolerate in applying the official and legal penalties on violators and those involved in the practice of adulteration, and all that endangers the health and safety of consumers. 

MCI calls on all consumers to report their complaints and observations to the Report center at the Ministry on the phone No. 800 124 1616.
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018