MCI Stops Sale of 6000 Rotten Foodstuff Units, Destroys them, in Madinah

31 Jul 2013
​The quantity was ready for shoppers, to exploit Umrah' visitors' season
MCI inspection teams seized more than 6000 spoiled, expired an non-valid for human consumption foodstuff units, in addition to other readied items for selling, in warehouses of the central marketplace, in Madinah. The quantity has been, immediately, seized and demolished, while the owners have been brought to investigation authorities.
It appeared, during the rounds, that the employees are trying to exploit the season of Ramadan fasting, to get rid of a lot of spoiled foodstuffs, through Madinah's marketplaces, which are heavily stormed by visitors and Umrah's observers.
Inspection teams, in collaboration with the municipality teams, have mopped, recently , all warehouses and marketplaces situated in Madinah.
Seized-cum-destroyed items included cheese, juice, vegetables and fruits, pastes, noodles, vinegar, jam, various canned foods, in addition to a number of other consumer's commodities such as soap, shampoo and detergents. 
It appeared, also, that a lot of foodstuffs have been affected due to bad storing and non-abidance by the rules regarding appropriate temperature.   
On the other hand, MCI reaffirmed that it will continue with such inspection rounds, in marketplaces, foodstuffs' warehouses and installations to gauge abidance by standards and regulation set forth for storing and saving in markets, such as cheating and deceiving, in general, to combat fraud and to save consumer's health, especially those who are trying to capitalize on exploiting the high demand of the high demand of foodstuffs, in the season of Ramadan.
The public is invited to report their complaints and remarks to Reports Center of MCI and call phone no.: 800 124 1616.
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018