The Ministry of Commerce and Industry destroyed large quantities of spoiled food and adulterated rice in Mecca

27 Oct 2013

​This Included meat, fish and canned food unfit for human consumption and counterfeit consuming goods.

MCI Confiscated  in the markets of Mecca large quantities of spoiled and expired food ,   and captured some  employees cheating the consumers in rice through filling poor or bad quality of this rice  in bags for famous brands , in addition to the sale of a number of imitative consumer goods , where MCI worked on destroying these items and the  involved persons were called for investigation and applying the legal penalties  against them.
MCI  has conducted intensive inspection tours on a number of markets and shops in Mecca , to verify the safety of food and products offered for sale , and to direct and respond to the received complaints in order to reduce manipulation and to  preserve  the rights of consumers .
The destructive amounts included: ( 500 kg ) of  meat , fish, variety of rotten   canned and expired food  , as well as cosmetics and about 400 imitative watches for well-known brands .
As it turns out that there are large quantities of food that were badly  stored and kept in ways contrary to the requirements of health , causing corruption and lack of validity for human consumption.
MCI would not tolerate in applying the legal penalties on violators and those involved in the practice of cheating, and against those who  may endanger the health and safety of consumers.
MCI would emphasize that it will continue the inspection tours on markets , food warehouses, shops, factories and all commercial establishments, to ensure their regular work, and that fraud or manipulation is not existing , and there is no cheating for consumers, and there is not any  exploitation in selling corrupted or expired products to the clients.


 MCI calls all consumers to report their complaints and observations to the Reports center at MCI on the phone No.(800 124 1616).
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018