MCI Storms Warehouse Storing Decayed Foodstuffs, Confiscates 70,000 Products, Preempts Reach out to Markets

15 Jul 2013
Destroyed following seizure in Southern Riyadh warehouse
MCI inspection teams, recently, confiscated more than 70,200 food items, including so many varieties of decayed foodstuffs, at a warehouse, in Southern Riyadh, which was prepared to be sold in shops, during Ramadan. 
Most of these items were affected by poor storing, on one hand and expiration, on the other
The products have been destroyed, and offenders were called by MCI for investigation.
MCI inspection teams, in collaboration with the Joint Security Campaign, have stormed the warehouse following receiving reports indicating suspicion on some commodities at the warehouse, sales' means adopted by its foreign employees, along with mixing some detergents with foodstuffs, which is too dangerous.
Coordination, has taken place, immediately, to move to the spot, to apply legal rules on violators, including closing the warehouse, investigating those involved and then, the case has been filed to the Bureau of Investigation and Prosecution to complete the procedures.
 Confiscated and destroyed items include 6 thousand expired and badly stored biscuits' packs, 300ml
3500 soda beverage cans, 4600 decayed foodstuffs, 235 grams 2100 tea packs.
On the other hand, MCI reaffirmed, it will continue with such inspection round, in marketplaces, warehouses and installations to guarantee malpractices' free markets, such as cheating and deceiving, in general, and taking the advantage of Ramadan to sell and market decayed and expired foodstuffs.
MCI calls on the public to report their remarks and complaints to reports' center at MCI and call on no.: 800 124 1616.
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018