MCI Stopped Polluted Water Factory in Riyadh and confiscated five thousands bottles

29 Dec 2013
​MCI detected worn-out production lines showing "rust" and unfit water for the human consumption
MCI Closed  Salma Water Factory South of Riyadh, following a set of violations in the production lines such as worn-out water transport pipes showing rust , more than 5 thousands water bottles  unfit for the human consumption , these items do not contain trade data , no insulation between the periphery and the production hall, the entry of insects and polluted air. This is reflected on the safety of the products and it is considered a threat to the health and safety of consumers, while the owner of the factory was summoned for investigation and  applying  the necessary legal procedures .
This comes after the MCI has carried out intensive inspection tours on factories and warehouses to verify their work, and to address any practices that may affect the health and safety of consumers, and to punish the violators.
As noted at the factory, which is located in Al Shifa area that the production Hall is unprepared because of the presence of residues and deposits of water inside it, the water tanks remain open, in addition to the presence of cracks in the floor.
The inspection teams checked the lack of insects traps on the site, which led to the spread of the insects inside, as well as connecting the water feeding pipes with rusted metal wire, and the workers in the factory are washing bottles with plain water and soap by hand before bottling.
MCI inspection teams also seized during the raid of old water  insulators for other factories within the warehouses , they found as well samples of water  bottles 330 ml on stopped water lines production, unfit for the human consumption .
Quantities of tires, batteries for automobiles and machines showing rust were detected inside the factory warehouses , the factory lacks special specification to be taken as  reference to the manufacturing process , also there is a lack  of sprinkler system inside , as well as the chemical additives were left exposed in the open air .
MCI emphasizes that it will continue its inspection rounds on factories, markets, warehouses, and all the commercial institutions, to ensure their regular work, and the absence of fraud practices and manipulation on the consumers, and to stop any exploitation by selling and marketing corrupted and expired products.
The Ministry also stresses that it will not tolerate with the violators and those involved in the practice of fraud, and all that put the health and safety of consumers at risk.
MCI calls on all Consumers to report their complaints and observations   to the Report Center in the ministry on the phone No.  800 124 1616.
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018