During the Proactive Inspection Tours in Makkah and Holy Places, MCI Inspectors Carried out 108 Tours and Detected 5400 Commodities in Violation

28 Aug 2017
48 thousand Invalid Milk Cans and 1.5 ton of Rotten Meat Seized
As part of MCI intensive efforts to monitor the sales outlets during the current Hajj season, MCI field inspection teams carried out on Monday 28.08.2017, 108 inspection tours on a number of warehouses, shops, central markets and fuel stations in Makkah, led to the seizure of 5400 commodities in violation, included foodstuffs and consuming items.

During the inspection rounds, MCI inspectors detected 48 thousand invalid multi-flavor milk cans, stored in a manner contrary to the health and environmental requirements under the sun, in a warehouse in Al-Awali quarter. All these items were seized and confiscated and then to be destroyed.

MCI inspectors also seized 1.5 tons of rotten meat at Mona Holy Place. Accordingly, the Department of Environmental Health at the Holy City Secretariat was contacted to confiscate and destroy such quantities, since they pose a risk on the health and safety of the consumers.

The Ministry's tours also included accessories, fashion and perfumes markets at the central area of Al-Haram Al-Makki, where 65 shops were visited and inspected. 

This comes as MCI inspection teams continue to carry out their tasks entrusted to them in this pilgrimage season 1438H. Including the   supervision on sales outlets, checking the validity of goods and food supplies and their conformity with the standard specifications. Also verifying the validity of commodities, tires and oil and their conformity to standard specifications. Besides calibrating and checking the fuel pumps, as well as Controlling the sales outlets, close to the Kingdom’s borders, by checking and verifying the availability of commodities and their conformity with the standard specifications. In addition to the inspection of the laboratories located at the borders crossing points, which inspect, test and ensure the quality of the consuming items, in cooperation with the Saudi Specifications, Metrology and standard Organization.
MCI would like to confirm that it will not hesitate in imposing stern penalties against those who put the health and safety of consumers or pilgrims at risk. The Ministry calls on the public and all consumers to lodge their complaints or observations through the toll free No. (1900) or through the application of a Commercial Violation Report, via their smart phones.

Last Modified 26 Dec 2018