MCI receives 876 thousand calls through Consumer Call Center (1900) during 1438 AH

26 Sep 2017
The Ministry of Commerce and Investment received 876,528 calls during 1438H. The Ministry responded immediately and took necessary actions to follow-up and to find solutions for such complaints, or forwarding them to the concerned authorities. The outgoing calls from the C.C. Center to inquire and to follow up such complaints, during the same period, reached 92.541.

MCI explained that the annual statistics of Consumer Call Center showed that the incoming calls reached 321.700, so the complaints constitute the proportion of 34.84% of the total calls, while the percentage of followed up and completed complaints reached 98.6%.

Meanwhile, MCI received these calls through several communication channels, most of which through the toll free number "1900" with a percentage of 54.27%, followed by the calls and complaints received through the Commercial Violation Report, via the consumers’ smart devices, which represent a percentage of 42.96%, then through MCI website 2.69 %, and finally through e-mail 0.05%.

The majority of consumer complaints focused on violations of non-compliance with after sales services. Also complaints related to spare parts and maintenance, as well as non-compliance with warranty conditions, besides violations related to returning and replacement, also the absence of placing price tags, false promotional advertisements, defects in products, difference between the price on the shelf and that with the cashier, excessive in food supplies and luxury goods prices.

The reports and complaints of non-compliance with the warranty conditions and not providing spare parts and maintenance recorded the highest proportion of complaints, followed by the violations in return and replacement policy, also the violation of not placing the price tag on the product, the difference between the price on the shelf and the one with the cashier, as well as the complaints about false sales and promotion, also the complaints about the excessive prices, the defects in products, and finally the expired validity of foodstuffs.

MCI received the highest number of reports and complaints from Riyadh, followed by Makkah, Eastern Province, Asir, Qassim, Madinah, Northern Borders and Tabuk.

It is worth mentioning that MCI Consumer Call Center (1900) receives the reports and complaints and makes the necessary follow up automatically until they are completed and solved. All that by communicating with the inspectors who detected the violation, and by using smart devices, which contribute to speeding up and completing the work properly.

MCI would like to emphasize the continuation of its regulatory, awareness and development campaigns, as well as to enhance the capabilities of trade and investment sectors, besides protecting the beneficiaries interests through  developing and setting up effective policies and mechanisms that contribute to the realization of sustainable economic development

In order to facilitate and ease the consumer transactions, MCI calls on all consumers to lodge their complaints through the Consumer Call Center (1900) or through the application of a Commercial Violation Report, via their smart phones. In this way, they may upload photos and the relevant violation site directly and easily. Through this application, they can review recalling of defective goods, and having an idea about the Ministry's campaigns, including the news related to consumers.

 MCI continuously monitors, analyzes and follows up the consumer complaints to identify the most important obstacles facing the consumer, and then finding the suitable solutions, besides monitoring the changes in the types of complaints and reports to determine the effectiveness of the awareness campaigns and the general policies taken to protect the consumers.

MCI would like to confirm its keenness and interest to consider and address all complaints and reports received by the concerned departments, also to take the necessary measures in record time, as well as to redouble its efforts to provide an organized commercial environment that preserves and protects the rights of consumers and keeping them safe against any harmful practices.
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018