Based on the principle of participation and transparency, the Ministry of Commerce is calling on those interested and the public to express their opinions and suggestions regarding the proposal of cancelling the license for practicing the profession of brokerage on transactions with the government agencies, via the following e-mail (, deadline 11.03.1442 AH corresponding to 28.10.2020 AD.
The Ministry of Commerce intends to submit this proposal to the Council of Ministers to consider canceling the Cabinet Resolution No. (157) dated 13.06.1424 AH, subject of approving the Regulatory Regulations for practicing the profession of brokerage on transactions with government agencies. MC aims to facilitate the practice of economic business and to reduce the requirements related to that activity, without having a negative impact on the continuation of practicing this activity through its presence in the Commercial Registration of the Est.
Upon reviewing a number of international experiences in that regards, in Singapore, Bahrain, Britain and the UAE, the Ministry of Commerce has found out that these countries do not request a license to practice this activity.
The Ministry of Commerce calls on those interested and the public to participate and express their opinions on the aforementioned proposal through the following e-mail: (