Plants Producing Syrup and Claiming it is Honey were shut down by MCI

25 Feb 2016
MCI inspection teams shut down plants producing and marketing syrup, and using different pictures, names and trademarks to delude the consumers that it is honey. After receiving some tips from the consumers, MCI inspectors immediately raided such plants and made the necessary verification, and thus shut down “ Sidrat Al Shifa Plant” which produces syrup under the name of “ Al Wadi Nectar” also the plant of “Nectar Drops” which produces syrup as well and then to be marketed in containers similar to honey and partially using the brand name to mislead and delude the consumer that it is honey. Besides, the said plants do not obtain industrial licenses authorizing them for such production.

MCI inspectors monitored various offenses in the said plants, such as violating the provisions of Anti-Commercial Fraud, Brand-Name and the Industrial Licensing system. The Ministry ordered that all sold quantities to be returned and refunded.

Meanwhile, more than 30 thousand containers, of different sizes, had been seized in the plants located in Al Shifa, Aziziyah and Al Kharj road in Riyadh.

This comes within MCI endeavors and pursuit to preserve the rights of consumers and protect them from all fraud and adulteration practices.

MCI will not hesitate to impose legal penalties on offenders, and calls on consumers to lodge their complaints and observations through the toll free number 1900, or through the application of a Commercial Notification.​​

Last Modified 26 Dec 2018