MCI to ask for public views and opinion on the new commercial mortgage system

24 Nov 2015
Based on the principles of participation and transparency, MCI would like those concerned and the public to give their opinions and suggestions about the draft of the New Commercial Mortgage System, through its dedicated website or e-mail. This draft aims to provide the necessary mechanisms that allow the private sector enterprises to take advantage of their assets effectively, so as to enhance their economic activities. This will contribute in achieving a number of general objectives of the Ninth Development Plan, through accelerating the pace of economic growth, promoting the contributions of the private sector in the development process and raising the rates and efficiency of the Saudi economic growth, as well as improving its competitiveness in light of what is new in the global field, in addition to the development of small and medium enterprises sector.

Those interested and all the public are kindly requested to participate and express their opinions through the following link before Tuesday, 26.02.1437 AH 

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Last Modified 26 Dec 2018