61% Are Not Satisfied of their Performance, in the Kingdom
Returns of a poll, recently, conducted by MCI to gauge consumer's satisfaction on vehicles' agencies and dealers' provided services, showed that about 61 per cent of consumers are not satisfied, while 11 per cent expressed satisfaction, about 28 per cent said they are satisfied to some extent of the services provided to them.
MCI will, directly, report the findings to the manufacturing companies, in order to ask them to keep a vigilant eyes on these agencies, as MCI will continue to follow up the performance of these agencies and dealers, as it will preserve with conducting such a poll.
This polls, will be conducted, periodically, in every January and June, in order to monitor changes in agencies and dealers' performances and effect on consumer's satisfaction.
Among the main categories of the poll, are the satisfaction on sales, maintenance, spare parts and consumers' services provided by more than 25 vehicles' agencies and dealers.
Over 21 thousand participants have been covered by the poll. Which has been conducted, directly from the field as well as from online.