MCI Displays Sales on the Map Program in Restatex- Riyadh Real Estate & Urban Development Exhibition

22 Apr 2015
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, representing Real Estate sale on the map program, will participate in the activities of Restatex- Riyadh Real Estate & Urban Development Exhibition,   during the period from 7-10, Rajab 1436 AH, corresponding to 26-29, April 2015 AD,   accompanied by the Real Estate Activities Forum. A number of investors and professionals will talk about real estate investment, with the participation of major real estate development companies in the Kingdom, as well as most banks and specialized Real Estate financing companies.
MCI aims through participation to give definition of its program, which organizes the sales on the map activities, to achieve the trust and confidence among the dealers, to protect the rights of buyers and to encourage new investors.

MCI zone will enable the visitors to have an idea about the projects supervised by the Ministry, which exceeded 17 thousand Real Estate units in various regions of the Kingdom, valued at 20 billion riyals, also they will be informed about the necessary procedures for getting the licenses of selling real estate on the map, for raw lands and permits of marketing foreign real estate.

It is worth mentioning that the program of selling real estate on the map is one of the means for owning property, that allows the buyer to get a real estate unit at a lower price, as well as it allows the developer to get financing through the direct payments of buyers.

MCI is working to re-examine and develop all procedures and regulations related to the projects of selling real estate on the map, according to its competences and power in cooperation with the relevant authorities.
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018