MCI, Expired Foodstuffs Confiscated in Al Jouf

21 Apr 2015
MCI Inspection Teams had detected illegal labors storing expired foodstuffs randomly in unlicensed warehouse, inside a recreation center in Al Jouf. The inspectors monitored large quantities of sweets and nuts that are prepared in an unhealthy way, as well as the site lacks health requirements, besides poor storage of raw materials. The site had been shut down with the confiscation of the items in violation, while those responsible were summoned for investigation and taking the legal procedures against them.

The confiscated items included more than 500 nuts bags, weighing 50 kg, more than 2,000 pieces of various sweets, 800 cans of milk and CERELAC® with variety of weights and sizes, and large quantities of expired dried potatoes prepared for selling and marketing to the shops in the province.

This comes within the intensive inspection campaigns carried out by the Ministry on factories, warehouses and shops in all regions of the Kingdom, to ensure the quality of the stored materials, and those offered for sale, and to ensure the absence of fraud and manipulation that may harm the health and safety of the consumer.

MCI emphasizes that it will continue its inspection rounds on markets, food warehouses, shops, and all commercial institutions, to ensure their regular work, and the absence of fraud practices and manipulation on consumers, and to stop exploiting the demand for purchase in selling and marketing of corrupted and expired products.

MCI stresses, at the same time, that it will not tolerate in imposing the legal penalties on violators and those involved in the practice of fraud and counterfeiting, and all that put the health and safety of consumers at risk.

The Ministry calls on all the consumers to report their complaints and observations to MCI Notification Center through the toll-free number 1900.
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018