MC: Reporting bogus brands is SAIP's responsibility

20 Jul 2022


The Ministry of Commerce said the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property (SAIP) is now in charge of brand enforcement after all necessary steps have been taken to transfer this responsibility to SAIP. 

The procedures are in line with the Council of Ministers' decision dated 14/9/1439 H corresponding to 29/05/2018 to approve the regulation of the Authority so that it becomes the competent authority for all matters pertaining to intellectual property in the Kingdom, including its protection, sponsorship, enforcement, and direct supervision as per applicable laws.

The Ministry emphasized that in order to preserve intellectual property rights for all individuals and businesses operating in the Kingdom, communication between the service recipients and the SAIP is necessary for the registration of trademarks or the reporting of counterfeit brands.  

The Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property handles requests for trademark enforcement and registration from beneficiaries as well as direct complaints of rights infringement and imitation through its website, e-mail address, Twitter account @saipksa, or direct phone number (920021421).

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Last Modified 24 Jul 2022