MCI, Consumer Notification Center Skips Million Calls and Percentage of Closing Cases is 98%

19 Apr 2015
MCI calls on the Public to report their complaints and observations through the application of "Commercial Notification"
MCI announced receiving more than one million calls included complaints, reports and queries of consumers through the Notification Center (1900) during the last two years. The Ministry confirmed its commitment and interest to consider all notifications received and work on finding solutions and take the necessary measures in a record time, pointing out at the same time its intention to redouble efforts In order to provide a structured business environment that reserve the rights of consumers and protect them from any harmful practices.

H.E. the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Tawfiq Bin Fawzan Al Rabiah, on his behalf and MCI staff, conveys his thanks and appreciation to all citizens and residents for their dedication and constant interaction, praising their great efforts to communicate with the Ministry to serve the interests of the Kingdom.

The Notification Center statistics, since mid-2012 until the end of last week, showed that the closing of notification cases reached 98%, while the consumers satisfaction rate reached 76%, where the total incoming and outgoing calls, during two years and nine months, reached more than 1,225,000 calls, at the rate of 1176 calls per day, while the number of notifications reached about 500 thousand. These notifications had been followed-up, and some had been referred to the competent authorities.

Statistics also showed that the most prominent complaints are about commercial fraud, Supply and provision, anti-concealment, real estate sale on the map program, while the descriptions of these issues included complaints of non-compliance with the terms of the warranty, excessive prices of foodstuffs, lack of spare parts and maintenance, in addition to the lack of the price-tag, lack of commitment to the terms of the contract, bills were not in Arabic, refund and replacement, manufacturing defects.

Meanwhile, MCI called on those interested and the public to continue to report their complaints through the application "Commercial Notification", by using their mobiles, with the ability to attach photos and send site of violation directly, it is possible through this application as well to view goods recalling and the campaigns launched by the Ministry, including the news related to the consumer. This application is easy to use, where it received the award for the best free application in Apple store earlier.
It is worth mentioning that the Consumer Notification Center is specialized in receiving complaints and follow up that automatically until they have been closed. This is done with the cooperation and coordination with MCI inspectors, and with the help of the smart devices that contribute to the speed and progress of the work. This service has won the Achievement Award of e-Government "Yussir" organized by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology at its third session for 2014.

MCI confirms that it will continue its inspection, control and awareness campaigns, in favor of the consumer and merchant alike, it aims at reducing the commercial fraud and organizing the market to ensure the rights of all parties.
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018