MCI is embarking on preparing for the meetings of the second Saudi-Turkmen Joint Committee, set to be held in Ashiqabad, next month of Rabie II , in line with the royal noble orders, asserting the significance of boosting relations with Central Asian nations, including Turkmenistan, as these nations are closely tied to the Kingdom, because of historical, economic, social and cultural bonds, emanated from Islam.
Minister of Commerce and Industry Dr. Taufiq bin Fozan Al-Rabi'ah, will lead the Saudi side to the meetings, comprising a host of experts and counselors, in additions to a number of prominent businessmen.
The first round has taken place, in Riyadh, in 1432 AH.
MCI, currently plans to hold 6 such meetings for joint committees, following the royal noble approval, during the year.
Accordingly, it has developed a mechanism to follow up carrying out the outcomes and recommendations of joint committees and setting time tables, to guarantee communications among different specialists' teams, to carry out recommendations.
The Kingdom has an embassy, in this Central Asian energy and other natural resources, rich nation, since Al-Muharam 1418 AH.