MCI, closing two Warehouses in Riyadh and Confiscating 138 thousand Counterfeit Consuming Commodities for Famous Brands

18 Jan 2015
​Detecting Labors Involved in re- packaging Foodstuffs that were damaged by Rain
As the Ministry of Commerce and Industry is continuing its efforts to protect consumers and impose penalties against those who are proved to be guilty in violating the Anti-Commercial Fraud System, the MCI Control Teams detected a warehouse in Al Faisaliah quarter, south of Riyadh involved in storing 138 thousand counterfeit consuming commodities for famous brands, such as detergents and cream to be marketed and sold to consumers, claiming that they are original. MCI closed the involved site and confiscated the detected items and those involved were summoned for investigation and taking the legal penalties against them.
The details go back when MCI Inspectors had carried out inspection rounds on various commercial and industrial sites in cooperation and coordination with the Joint Security Campaigns in Riyadh. During the site inspection, the control teams detected 28 thousand counterfeit packets of "Head & Shoulder" shampoo, 45 thousand packets of expired soap without any trade data, as well as 65 thousand packets of counterfeit cream bearing the brand of "Move" used to treat muscles and joints pain. All the quantities were confiscated with the closure of the warehouse.
Meanwhile, MCI closed a warehouse storing expired foodstuffs in Al Masani`a quarter, south of Riyadh. The inspectors noticed during the site inspection that the labors were re-packaging the items damaged by rain in order to be sold in the local markets. More than 6 thousands foodstuffs were confiscated, including a variety of cheese, juice, biscuit, cake, Indomie vermicelli and others. 
MCI had announced earlier the detection of illegal labors, storing and counterfeiting foodstuffs and consuming items in Riyadh. These items were monitored inside warehouses and random houses, ready to be sold in the local market with the aim of cheating and misleading the consumers. MCI closed the involved sites and those involved were summoned for investigation and taking the legal penalties against them.
The Ministry confirmed that it will continue its inspection campaigns on commercial and industrial sectors in all regions of the Kingdom, to ensure the absence of fraud and adulteration practices that may harm the consumers, with the direct respond to notifications and the application of Rules and Regulations on violators.
MCI also stressed that it will not tolerate in imposing the legal penalties on violators and those involved in the practice of fraud and counterfeiting, and all that put the health and safety of consumers at risk.
MCI calls on all consumers to report their complaints and observations to the Notification Center in the Ministry through the toll-free No.1900.
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018