After a Week of Obliging the Groceries to Provide Electronic Payment Systems, MC Inspection Tours Reveal that 80% of the Shops Committed to this Regulation

17 May 2020

MC Inspectors Carried out more than 9.000 Inspection Tours in Various Regions of the Kingdom in that Regard

MC inspection teams have carried out 9,677 inspection tours in all regions of the Kingdom within a week, to verify the commitment of groceries and shops of providing Electronic Payment Systems "Mada" to consumers.

Within four days of the start of implementing the E-Payment System regulation, the results showed that 80% of the facilities committed to such regulation, while 20% of the shops didn’t commit to this law. Therefore, 1.895 instant violation notices were released against the non-committed establishments. 

This comes within the National Program for Combating the Commercial Concealment,   which oblige the shops and groceries to provide Electronic Payment Systems, and that was launched last Sunday, May 10, 2020 in coordination and cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency.

MC inspection teams are following up the implementation of this law by imposing instant fines on the establishments that are not committed to the regulation in a cumulative manner, whereby the penalty to be doubled in case it has been repeated for the second time.

The application of Electronic Payment Systems on groceries and shops comes within the framework of the efforts of the government authorities to enable the consumers to use these methods in all sales outlets, thus reducing the circulation of cash.

This decision comes also in line with the precautionary steps and measures recommended by the competent health authorities for combating Covid-19, and for the safety of citizens and residents.

It is worth mentioning that the National Program for Combating the Commercial Concealment had obliged gradually the retail sector in all regions of the Kingdom to provide Electronic Payment Systems for all trade activities. 

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Last Modified 17 May 2020