MCI, in the Presence of 16 Government Authorities, Business Improvement Committee Announces Launching the Initiative of Business Practicing "Meras" to Improve the Investment Environment in the Kingdom

17 May 2017
The First Phase of this Initiative includes Launching E-platform containing the most Important Requirements for Starting Business and Investment
H. E. the Minister of Commerce & Investment, Dr. Majid bin Abdullah Al Qassabi, Chairman of the Executive Committee for Improving Business Performance of the Private Sector, announces launching the initiative of business practicing “Meras”, which is considered one of the said Committee’s initiatives within the National Transformation Program 2020. “Meras” Initiative aims to facilitate and ease business and investment activities in the Kingdom, as well as to improve business environment, also to create an attractive and competitive business environment for domestic and foreign capital, besides enhancing and boosting the Kingdom's rank in the Global Business Competitiveness Index.
Notably, “Meras” Initiative aims to increase the contribution of the private sector to the Kingdom's GDP, also to increase and boost the National Economy, for the realization of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.
During the announcement of this initiative and the inauguration of its first phase, in the presence of 16 government authorities, represented by the Executive Committee for the Improvement of Business Environment, H.E. Dr. Majid Al Qassabi pointed out that “Meras” initiative is a qualitative leap, relating to re-organizing the government procedures through an integrated system including various government services, to eliminate and overcome any obstacles facing the investors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as to facilitate and ease the procedures for starting and practicing business.
H. E. Dr. Al Qassabi pointed out that this initiative includes many services and relevant sectors, needed by the investor to know all the governmental requirements for starting a business, through consolidated service centers to be established, in addition to assigning joint committees to coordinate with the relevant authorities to work for re-organizing the relevant procedures and for developing business activities, to ensure quality and improve the performance constantly. Moreover, the private sector will take part in this initiative for the realization of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.
“Meras” initiative will include several main phases, with a clear plan for all stages and the achievements of each government authority, associated with such initiative, in order to follow up the work plan and also to speed up performance & achievement.
The main components of “Meras” initiative, to be completed during the scheduled phases, include “Meras” Comprehensive Service Centers, “Meras” E-Platform, Consolidated Access to Business Services, the Interactive Business Start-up Guide, providing basic services from the private sector, such as opening a bank account for the enterprise.
Meanwhile, “Meras” E-Platform has been launched as well through meras, which will save time for the investors. Now by one click and through a consolidated form, the investors can benefit from several government services, such as: obtaining the Commercial Registration, the Chamber of Commerce Certificate, making a file at the Ministry of Labor, Social Insurance, Zakat and income easily.
The E-platform also includes various links to business services at the relevant authorities, to facilitate, ease and consolidate the access for the investor, thus ensuring the speed of providing services, and reducing the procedures. More services to be added gradually in future that would benefit the investors.
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018