Commercial Violation App enables consumers to follow up with stages of reporting a violation

16 May 2023


The Ministry of Commerce has unveiled an upgraded version of the Commercial Violation App, equipped with new features and improvements. The enhanced app, accessible through the Unified National Access platform, offers high-level security and reliability for user logins.

With the updated app, consumers gain unprecedented visibility and control over their complaints, enabling them to track the progress at each stage, from initial submission to final resolution. The app facilitates direct and efficient communication between complainants and field inspectors. Moreover, complaint requirements are now clearly defined, streamlining the processing timeline for swift resolution.

With the "Commercial Complaint App" at their fingertips, consumers are empowered to effortlessly monitor the progress of their complaints as they navigate through four crucial stages: submission, meticulous review and validation of data, seamless initiation of processing by directing it to the pertinent commercial entity, and ultimate closure of the complaint following the fulfillment of essential legal procedures related to the violation.

The "Commercial Complaint App" serves as a vital platform for reporting various infractions, such as fraudulent activities, commercial concealment, lack of electronic payment methods, maintenance, spare parts and warranty issues, discrepancies in refunds and exchanges, fuel station discrepancies, e-commerce stores, sales promotions and competitions, price disparities in cash registers, violations against products breaching public morals, commercial data irregularities, as well as infringements involving precious metals and gemstones.

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Last Modified 17 May 2023