MCI had carried out 740 Inspection Tours to Ensure the Safety of Wilderness Trip Kits, More than one Thousand Items were seized

17 Feb 2016
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry had carried out 740 inspection tours in various regions of the Kingdom, to verify and ensure the safety of wilderness trip kits and their related warehouses, resulted in the confiscation of more than one thousand items in violation of the MCI Consumer Protection Regulations, beside other commodities contrary to the Saudi Standard Specifications, and pose a threat to the safety of consumers.
During the inspection tours, MCI inspectors seized tents, gas cylinders, torches, electric plugs and other wilderness trip kits not conforming with the Saudi Standard Specifications.
During the inspection campaign, MCI inspectors detected 126 violations, including the confiscation of large quantities of gas cylinders for non-compliance with the Saudi Standard Specifications.
It is worth mentioning that the regulations and conditions of the wilderness trip kits (imported or locally made) stipulate that such items to be in compliance with the provisions of the trade data system and the Anti-Commercial Fraud Law, as well as all producers and distributors to be committed to print the manufacturer`s trade mark on all quantities, beside putting a label showing the data and prices before being offered for sale in the markets.
This comes within the Ministry`s endeavors to carry out on-going check and follow up on all products offered for sale in the local markets, in order to provide the necessary protection for the consumers,  beside contributing in organizing the local market, to ensure fair competition among the commercial facilities, while preserving the rights of consumers.
The Ministry would like to emphasize the need for retaining the invoices of stoves, lanterns, flammable materials and others, as well as to make sure that such items are original and in conformity with the standard specifications, so that to avoid any explosion (God forbid), this is beside the need for retaining the warranty voucher.

The Ministry would like as well to draw the attention of the consumers to be aware and careful while buying certain types of bad-made tents or those being stored for a long period of time.
This campaign, carried out by the Ministry, aims at following up the commitment of producers and shops of the conditions & requirements of the Saudi Standard Specifications, beside the confiscation of any   products in violation.
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018