MCI inspection teams seized about 60 thousand consuming anonymous commodities from the warehouses and shops in Jeddah. The seizures included poorly-made and expired shampoo, detergents, cosmetics, varieties of lotions, body & hair cream, perfume and eye liner, which do not bear any trade data. Those responsible were summoned by MCI for investigation and taking the legal procedures against them.
The seizures also included some quantities of goods contrary to the Islamic faith, and some items lacking price tags were detected as well.
This is as a result of the inspection rounds carried out by MCI inspectors on markets and warehouses in Al Khamrah quarter, south of Jeddah province and a number of shops located on the Airport Road.
This comes at a time when MCI continues its inspection rounds on warehouses, markets, shops and all commercial institutions to check and ensure their proper works, and the absence of fraud and manipulation practices on consumers, and to stop exploiting the demand for purchase in selling and marketing corrupted and expired products.
MCI stresses that it will not tolerate in the application of the statutory procedures against the offenders and those involved in the practice of fraud and counterfeiting, and all that put the health and safety of consumers at risk.
MCI calls on all consumers to report their complaints and observations through the toll free number 1900, or through the application of a Commercial Notification.