Preparatory meetings for the trade ministers in the Gulf States

14 Nov 2016
​The Ministry of trade and investment hosts a consultative meeting to all the GCC countries' ministers of trade and the representatives of the private sector on Monday 14 Safar 1438 AH, in preparation for the 54th meeting of the Trade Cooperation Committee for Gulf Cooperation Council of Trade Ministers, and the 24th  meeting of Council Gulf Standardization Authority management , which will be held on Tuesday 15 Safar 1438 AH in Riyadh.
The Ministry of Trade and Investment and the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Councils are working on the preparation for these meetings for Saudi Arabia is the state of the presidency for the year 2016.
The Ministerial Committee discussed some topics concerning the GCC countries in commercial areas, including competition law, to allow individual institutions in the GCC countries to open many branches, unified purchase of essential food commodities, collectively review Trade Policy, and the recommendations of the World Trade Organization to the countries the Council.
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018