62 Thousand Calls Received by the Consumer Call Center within the First 15 days of Ramadan, as announced by MCI

13 Jun 2017
MCI is Keen to address all Consumer’s Complaints
The Ministry of Commerce and Investment has announced receiving more than 62,000 calls during the first 15 days of Ramadan 1438H. These calls included consumer complaints, inquiries and reports through the toll free number "1900". Statistics showed receiving 4154 calls per day, the average waiting of calls (25 seconds), while the reports closing rate (86%) and the rest of the reports (14%) had been referred to other competent authorities to be followed up and completed.
MCI affirmed its keenness to consider and solve all received consumer complaints, as well as to deal and take the necessary procedures in record time. At the same time, the Ministry indicated its intention to redouble efforts to provide an organized commercial environment that may protect the rights of consumers and keep them safe against any harmful practices.
The statistics of MCI Consumer Call Center showed the total of incoming calls that reached up to (62,310), of which (22,695) consumers complaints, while the rest included inquiries, re-opening reports, follow-up complaints and reports, besides referring a number of complaints to other competent authorities.
Notably, statistics showed that the Commercial Fraud, Commercial Agencies, Supply & Provision are among the top issues received during the aforementioned period. The subjects of these issues vary between the complaints of non-compliance with the warranty conditions, lack of spare parts and maintenance, in addition to complaints on returning and replacement of items, false advertisement, differences between the price on the shelf and that with the cashier and high prices.
It is worth mentioning that MCI Consumer Call Center (1900) is specialized in receiving violation reports and complaints, then to be followed-up automatically until the end, with the necessary coordination with the inspectors. Smart devices are used to speed up the performance and work accomplishment.
MCI would like to confirm the continuation of its control, awareness and development campaigns that benefit both the consumer and the merchant alike, which aim as well to eliminate trade violations, besides organizing the market to ensure and preserve the rights of all parties.
MCI calls on all consumers to lodge their complaints and observations through MCI Consumer Call Center (1900), or through the application of a Commercial Violation Report via their smart phones.
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018