MCI has carried out " 2842 " Inspection Tours to Verify Compliance with the Fuel Efficiency Label

13 Mar 2018
MCI has carried out inspection and control rounds during the month of Jumada II in various regions of the Kingdom, to verify compliance with the standard specification of the Auto Fuel Efficiency Label. 

This MCI inspection campaign included visiting 2842 institutions and auto exhibitions, and detecting 143 violations, such as different design of the label contrary to that mentioned in the specification, or the label contains wrong information, also some labels found damaged or torn, and some are not placed on the vehicles and some are wrongly placed.

This inspection campaign comes within the framework of the efforts exerted by several government agencies, operating as one team within the Saudi Program for Energy Efficiency, which endeavors to find a mechanism to ensure commitment and compliance with the standard specifications of the launched initiatives, aiming at preserving and raising the efficiency of energy consumption. This campaign is implemented by a working team including the competent government authorities, such as the Ministry of Commerce and Investment, Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources, Saudi Stands, Metrology and Quality Organization, Saudi Customs and the Saudi Center for Energy Efficiency.

Last Modified 26 Dec 2018