MCI, Detecting Labors packing Adulterated Dates inside Polluted Swimming Pool

11 May 2015
and Using Marketing Phrases to Delude the Consumers of its High Quality
As MCI continues its inspection campaigns on those involved in fraudulence and cheating the consumers, the inspectors detected labors manipulating the dates by packing them inside contaminated swimming pool in a recreation house in Al Manakh quarter, south of Riyadh. It turned out after inspection that the labor stuffed dates with almonds, figs and other types of dried nuts and fruits and then re-packing them and putting posters for famous brands to delude the consumers of their high quality. The site was shut down by the Ministry and all quantities were confiscated, and those responsible were summoned for investigate and taking the legal procedures against them.
The details go back when MCI received a notification about a random recreation house used to store dates and other foodstuffs, in ways contrary to the health requirements. The inspectors monitored the presence of large quantities of dates and dried fruit inside the W.C. and the labors accommodation, in addition to large quantities of counterfeit posters and outer wrappers, in order to cheat and deceive the consumers.
The inspection teams, with the cooperation and coordination of the joint security campaigns, seized eight hand machines for packaging and wrapping dates, four scales, more than 135 cartons of packed dates, 54 cartons stuffed with almonds, in addition to 45 large cartons used for packing, 150 thousand posters bearing the phrases “High-quality Dates”, "Luxury Khlass Dates", "Luxury Sukkary Dates", and more than 600 empty cartons bearing the phrase "Khlass Ushaiger Dates".
The inspectors monitored also the presence of large quantity of invoices, stamps and ATM cards, used by labors in selling and marketing the quantities in the domestic market.
This comes within the MCI inspection rounds on warehouses and commercial institutions, to ensure their regular work, and the absence of fraud and adulteration practices on consumers.
MCI emphasizes that it will not tolerate in imposing the legal penalties on offenders and those involved in the practice of fraud and counterfeiting, and all that put the health and safety of consumers at risk.
MCI calls on all the consumer to report their complaints and observations to the Notification Center in the Ministry on 1900
Last Modified 26 Dec 2018