MCI, a Control Plan Prevented the Marketing of Five Thousands Rotten Commodities to the Consumers in Madinah

09 Jun 2014
The Items, that were Contaminated with Insects, had been Destroyed
MCI had implemented an intensive control plan on a number of markets and commercial institutions in Medina, resulted in detecting  more than 5 thousands of corrupted and expired foodstuffs, some of them were contaminated with insects, which was considered a threat to the consumers. These items were immediately confiscated and destroyed, and those involved were summoned for investigation and taking the legal procedures against them.

During the inspection tours, the MCI Control Teams detected a number of shops in the area which did not comply with putting the price-tag on the products.

The confiscated items included more than 3,400 corrupted foodstuffs, unfit for the human use, including white meat, cooking oil, pastries and  honey, in addition to large quantities of pasta that were contaminated with insects, and more than 1365 expired foodstuffs including beans and various types of canned food and juice.

The intensive control rounds by MCI come at a time when Madinah is witnessing the arrival of large numbers of visitors to the Prophet's Mosque, so MCI would like to ensure that the consumers are not affected by the corrupted foodstuffs, and to apply the legal regulations against the violators.

MCI emphasizes that it will continue its Control Rounds on markets, food warehouses, shops and all commercial institutions to ensure their regular work, and the absence of fraud and manipulation practices on the consumers, and to stop exploiting the demand for purchase in selling and marketing corrupted or expired products.

The Ministry stresses that it will not tolerate in imposing the legal penalties on violators and those involved in the practice of fraud and counterfeiting, and all that put the health and safety of consumers at risk.

MCI calls on all the consumers to report their complaints and observations to the Control Center in the Ministry on the phone No. 1900.
Last Modified 25 Dec 2018