A Special Workshop for Reviewing the Expertise and Practices of MCI 2030 Vision Realization Office

08 Jan 2017
The Commerce and Investment System, represented by 2030 Vision Realization Office, held a workshop attended by those concerned in 2030 Vision Realization, in the government agencies, as well as the representatives of economic and development supporters (Achievement and Rapid Intervention Center, Performance Center “Ada’a”, Human Capital Center). This workshop aims to benefit from the experiences and practices of the 2030 Vision Realization Office, which was chosen by the supporters as a model office and a typical example to follow, as well as to discuss the relevant mechanisms and how to enable the 2030 Vision Realization Offices of fulfilling their goals.

H.E. Engr. Sami Al Zihaibi, Director General of Achievement and Rapid Intervention Center started the workshop by a word on the center's role and its relationship with the offices of 2030 Vision Realization, then H.E. Engr. Hisham Al Hassoun, MCI Director General of 2030 Vision Realization Office, displays a visual presentation about the history of this office since its establishment, also the phases experienced by this office until it has reached this stage, in order to implement the National Transformation Program 2020, as well as to achieve the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. A detailed explanation of the said office mechanism was presented as well, including MCI and all those concerned in 2030 Vision Realization Offices, in order to enhance and bring together all parties’ efforts and to raise the level of coordination within this group, so as to help achieving and realizing the objectives of 2030 Vision, through organizing more than 50 workshops and meetings for relevant parties in this program, in addition to the ordinary meetings and meetings with experts in this field held  most of the days, all that for taking advantage of the global best practices and experiences. 

H.E. Engr. Hisham pointed out that the main factors for the success of 2030 Vision  Realization Office is the direct support and great interest of H.E. MCI Minister, as well as the cooperation among different offices and centers of this system, and most of all the true faith in the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

Notably, the said workshop witnessed an open discussion focused on the best mechanism to promote cooperation and coordination among 2030 Vision Realization Offices, also the exchange of experiences and ideas. It was agreed that this workshop to be considered as a start for subsequent meetings to raise coordination level and to benefit from the distinctive experiences and ideas.

Meanwhile, the participants in this workshop made a tour on the site of MCI 2030 Vision Realization Office, where they witnessed the professional work environment and recognize more fully the experiences and practices of the said Office.

Last Modified 25 Dec 2018