The Ministry of Commerce has defamed an expat of Bangladeshi nationality working at a fuel station in Al Majma’ah Governorate, after a court ruling convicting him of violating the Anti-Commercial Fraud Law by mixing gasoline with diesel and for selling fuel that does not comply with the standard specifications.
The Ministry has published a summary of the ruling issued by the Criminal Court in Riyadh, including a fine on the violator, one-month imprisonment, also deporting him from the Kingdom after the execution of the ruling, and not to be allowed to return for work, besides defamation by publishing the verdict in a newspaper at his expense.
The Ministry of Commerce affirms the continuation of addressing those violating the Anti-Commercial Fraud Law and imposing the legal penalties, since such act is considered a kind of fraud and deception toward the consumers. Notably the law provides for penalties of up to three-year imprisonment, a fine of up to one million riyals or both, and defamation of violators at their expense, besides deporting the illegal labors from the Kingdom and not to be allowed to return for work.
MC urges all consumers to lodge their complaints and reports against the violating establishments through MC Consumer Call Center (1900), or through the application of a Commercial Violation Report via the following link: or through the official website of the Ministry.